"In Antibes and Juan-les-Pins. They still lived in a relative autarky: with their group of friends, their gardener, their vegetable garden, two cows for milk for their children , explains Renaud Duménil, writer and journalist, also responsible for the communication to the office Antibes tourism. But they brought a new lifestyle. Gerald was passionate about jazz, and even today, Juan-les-Pins hosts the biggest jazz festival in Europe....
112, chemin des Mougins
Villa America was sold in 1950 for $ 27,000. Fearing memories that have become too cruel, Gerald has settled the sale remotely. He will come back once for a last move: "I came here with gloomy thoughts, prepared to feel unhappy, but no!" He writes to Sara, explaining suddenly finding herself again "gripped by captivating beauty places, the sparkling transparency of the sea, the tall palms " . Continue reading The Murphy’s Villa America