Green Wall clock above the sink as Jeeves performs his duties in the Wooster flat.
A green Art Deco style wall clock takes a prominent position in the back wall over the sink in the kitchen at Bertie Wooster's flat. The green metal clock is a mechanical wind up wall clock by Smith's of Enfield. Aparently it was made in the 1950's although it has an Art Deco look that suits the Jeeves and Wooster era.
Bertie Wooster (Hugh Laurie) and Jeeves (stephen Fry) in the kitchen.
When Jeeves serves tea to Bertie it is usually from a silver tea pot and fine bone China. When Jeeves has his own tea in the kitchen it is brewed in a brown betty teapot and poured into plain white tea cups as seen in the foreground of the screen capture here.
Jeeves in the Kitchen
The teapot used on the Jeeves and Wooster set appears to be a Price Bros. teapot similar to the one below.
Bertram Wooster likes his cup of tea- in the afternoon he favors Earl Grey tea. In the Wooster residence tea is usually served by Jeeves from a silver tea pot and bone china cups.
Tea is served at Bertie Wooster's Flat in a scene from the TV series Jeeves and Wooster
In the above scene from the Jeeves and Wooster TV series tea is being served by Jeeves, played by Stephen Fry, on a wooden butler's tray. On top of the tray is what appears to be a Madeira style embroidered linen placemat.
Below is a solid mahogany butlers tray with brass side rails that looks like the one used on the show.
In the first episode of Jeeves and Wooster, the TV series starring Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry (based on "Jeeves Takes Charge" by P.G. Wodehouse), Bertie and Jeeves pay a visit to Ditteridge Hall. Above is a view of Bertie having his morning cup of tea while Jeeves prepares the bath and fills Bertie's shaving mug.
Jeeves attends to his morning duties
The props used in the scene are most appropriate for a gentleman visiting the country seat of the Glossop family - the scene was filmed at Englefield House, Berkshire.
Spode Sheffield Cup and Saucer
Bertie Wooster takes his morning tea from a Spode Sheffield Cup and Saucer.