Table of Contents
- Connection of the HARTIGAN family with the EYRE family.
- The Dormant Barony of Fitz Warine
- Arms and Crest of EYRE of Wiltshire
- Quartering’s of Eyreville
- EYRE of Shaw House
- EYRE of Warrens
- The Extinct Family of EYRE of Chalfield
- Eyre Intermarriages.
- "Eyre, of ye Cheesecross."
- Pedigree of Frederick James Eyre
To the memory of my cousin, the late THOMAS STRATFORD EYRE, of Eyreville, whose wish it was, that a history of this description should be written for the use of the members of his branch of the family, I dedicate this book.
Up to within the last three years I knew very little about my ancestors, the Eyres. I knew, of course, that my great grandfather was Thomas Dancer Eyre, of Eyreville, and that Philip Homan Eyre, Colonel of the South Staffordshire, was a sort of kinsman, but that he was descended from the intermarriage of an Eyre, of Eyrecourt, with an Eyre, of Eyreville, I had not the remotest idea. I had a hazy idea that all Eyres came from Derbyshire originally, and I had never heard of the Eyres, of Wiltshire. Well, in 1896, my clerical duties took me to Whiteparish, and there a surprise awaited me. In the vestry over my head there hung suspended an ancient helmet, and over it a large leg cut off at the thigh, that was surprise number one. But a further surprise awaited me as looking round the church I came to the memorial of old Giles Eyre, of Brickworth, close by the west door of the church. Now I knew that Giles was a name of the Irish Eyres, for had I not read Charles O’Malley, and I had heard also that the Irish Eyres had come over in Cromwell’s army of invasion. So here before me was a memorial to an old Roundhead Eyre named Giles; surely he had some connection with the Galway family.
So I wrote off at once to my cousin Stratford Eyre, of Eyreville, and he informed me that this old Giles Eyre was our mutual ancestor, and he sent me an old parchment pedigree which made the matter clear.
The result was that I took an interest in the subject, and at last resolved to publish a short account of the family. I believe there are already two private histories of English branches, but if the accounts given in them are as meagre as the pedigree of the Irish Eyres, given in Hoare’s History of Wilts, I have sufficient apology for writing a more detailed account of the Irish Eyres, and have therefore styled this book — "Eyre of Eyrecourt and Eyreville."
The family of Eyre is comprised of two great branches, known as the Derbyshire and the Wiltshire Eyres.
Though both these families have the same coat of arms and the same crest, yet genealogists have ever failed to trace both to one common origin.
The family came into England with William the Conqueror. Tradition tells us that William was flung from his horse at the battle of Hastings, and that his helmet was beaten into his face, which a Norman soldier, named Truelove, pulled off, and horsed him again.
The Duke, in return for this service, told him, "Thou shalt hereafter from Truelove be called Eyre, because thou hast given me the Air I breathe." After the battle, the Duke, on enquiry respecting him, found him sorely wounded, his leg and thigh struck off.
He ordered him the utmost care, and on his recovery gave him lands in Derbyshire for his services, and leg and thigh in armour cut off, for his crest.
Now it strikes one at once as a strange thing that a Norman soldier should bear the purely Saxon name of Truelove.
The name Eyre*, under one form or the other, still exists in Normandy, and though the incident may be true, I doubt very much as to Truelove being the name of the ancestor of the Eyre race.
The Eyres are found in the Parish of Hope and Hassop in Derbyshire before the time the name appears in the History of Wilts; perhaps some unrecorded member of the family may have migrated from Derbyshire to the South of England, and so have been the origin of the Wilts family. I think, however, that it is probable that there was more than one Eyre present on the field of Hastings, and that Eyre, of Wilts, starts from a perfectly independent source from that of Derbyshire, if it had started from a cadet of the Derbyshire family, surely before now the connection would have been found. The first mention of the family in Wiltshire that we find is
Humphrey Le Heyr, of Bromham, Wilts, he was a Crusader, and accompanied Richard I. to the Holy Land. He married Gallicia, and her name appears in an undated deed, probably in the reign of Henry 3rd, granting to her son, Nicholas, some land. To this deed Richard of Bridwilston, Roger Le Blount, and William Le Blount were witnesses.
Humphrey Le Heyr had by his wife two sons.
- Galfridus Le Heyr, of Bromham, who was alive in the 3rd year of Edward I.
- Nicholas Le Heyr.
Galfridus granted to his brother, Nicholas, certain possessions to which were attached conditions of homage and service.
Galfridus Le Heyr had a son, Galfridus Le Heyr, of Bromham, who was living in the 15th year of Edward II.
He left issue.
- Stephen Eyre.
- Simon Eyre.
The eldest line of the family from Stephen Eyre continued to live at Bromham, and are recorded in the visitation of 1623, but they appear to have gone down in wealth and position, and are now supposed to be extinct.
Simon Eyre married Eleanor, the dr. and heiress of John Crooke, of Urchfont, in the County of Wilts, and according to the visitations he had his seat at Wedhampton, in the Parish of Urchfont.
He recovered seisen of his lands in Urchfont by the name of John Le Eyr, in the reign of Edward II.
He left issue one son.
Simon Eyre, of Wedhampton, who is mentioned in the list of adherents in Wilts to King Henry VI. in the Wars of the Roses, he left a son, Thomas Eyre, of Wedhampton and Northcombe, who had issue, William Eyre, of Wedhampton and Northcombe, who married Julia or Juliana Cockerell, and had two sons.
- William Eyre, who was elected Prior of the Canons of St. Augustine, Christchurch, Hants, in 1502. He died in 1520, and was buried behind the high altar of the Priory Church, under a flat stone (which is still legible), with the following inscription:
"Tumba Domini Wilhelmi Eyre. Vicessimi Quinte Prioris Rujns Ecclesiæ qui obiit tertio die decembris anno domini Milessimo CCCCC et XX, Hujus anime propitietur Dens. Amen"
By his side also was buried his mother, the inscription on her tomb being the following :—
"Hic Jacet Joana Cockrell. Mater Wilhelmi Eyre. Prioris Hujus Ecclesiæ, Cujus Anime propitietur Deus. Amen."
- John Eyre, of Wedhampton, who married twice.
- Margaret, dr. of John Bitton, of Alton, Wilts, a descendant from Sir Walter de Bitton, Knt., who lived in the 12th year of Henry II., from which marriage descend the Eyres of Chalfield, now extinct in the male line.
- By his second wife Jane, dr. of John Cusse, of Broughton Gifford, Wilts, John Eyre, of Wedhampton, had issue.
- Robert Eyre m. Jane widow of George Tourney.
- Christopher Eyre m. Jane Ryves.
- William Eyre m. Anne Chaffin.
- John Eyre m. Sybil Chaffin.
Robert Eyre, the eldest son, settled at Salisbury as a merchant. He purchased land and houses at Castle Street in that city from Sir Henry Long, Knt., in the 33rd year of Henry VIII. He was M.P. for Salisbury or New Sarum in 1557, and Mayor in 1559. He married Jane, widow of George Tourney of New Sarum, and left one son, Thomas Eyre of New Sarum, who held lands in Wimborne, Dorset, 2lst Elizabeth, was, like his father, Mayor of Salisbury in 1587, and married Elizabeth, dr. of John Rogers of Poole, of the family of Brianston, Dorset. He died 1628, and was buried at S. Thomas, Salisbury, Sep. 10, leaving the following issue :
- Robert Eyre, b. 1569, d. 1638, m. Anne dr. of John Still, Bishop of Bath and Wells. He was a bencher of Lincoln’s Inn. From this marriage descend the Eyres of New House, now represented, in the male line, by the Eyres of St. John’s Wood, though New House has passed through marriage, into the family of Matcham. Sir Samuel Eyre, Knt., Judge of the King’s Bench in 1693, and his son, Sir Robert Eyre, Knt., Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas 1723, were members of this branch.
- Giles Eyre, of whom later.
- Nicholas Eyre, bap. Dec. 5, 1573.
- Christopher Eyre, bap. Ap. 25, 1578, was one of the original founders of the East India Company, d.s.p., 1626.
- John Eyre, bap. Sep. 20, 1582.
- William Eyre, M.P. for Downton, 1640.
- Anne Eyre m. John Swayne, of Gunville, Dorset.
- Rebecca Eyre m. John Love, of Basing.
- Elizabeth Eyre m. Giles Tooker, of Maddington, Wilts.
- Catherine Eyre m. Thomas Hooper, of Boveridge, Dorset.
- Thomas Eyre.
Giles Eyre, the second son mentioned above, was the founder of the Brickworth and Irish branches of the family. He was born in 1572, and was High Sheriff for Wilts in 1640. He was a very strong supporter of the Parliamentarian Party, and suffered on account of his opinions. He himself and three of his sons were members of the council of Oliver Cromwell, amid two of them, John and Edward Eyre, accompanied the Cromwellian, General Ludlow, to Ireland, and founded there, the family of the Irish Eyres, Giles Eyre built the Mansion House of Brickworth, in the parish of Whiteparish.
Close by the west door of Whiteparish Church is a tablet to his memory, with this inscription:
"Buried here Giles Eyre Esq. and Jane his wife. A man much oppressed by public power for his laudable opposition to the measures taken in the reigns of James and Charles I.
"In the year 1640 (for then well known Court reasons), he was . . . was afterwards plundered at Brickworth by the King’s soldiers of £2,000 value, and imprisoned for refusing to pay the sum of £400 illegally demanded of him by two instruments under the Privy SeaI, bearing date at Oxford, 14th Feb. 1643. He was baptized 1572, died Jan., 1655, having issue seven sons (three of whom were likewise members of Parliament), and four daughters."
Over the vestry in Whiteparish church hangs an Esquire’s helmet, surmounted by leg coupée, the Eyre crest.
The times in which Giles Eyre lived were very troublesome ones, and split up families into two parties. We find that the senior branch of the family, the Eyres of Chalfield, were strong loyalists, and fought for the King.
The opinions of Giles made him very obnoxious to many of his neighbours, amongst whom the ancient and courtly family of St. Barbe, of Cowsfield Loveries, in Whiteparish. Edward St. Barbe, by his will, proved in 1643, left his property to his son Edward on condition that he would not intermarry with the daughter of Giles Eyre, Esq., of Brickworth. This condition was observed by Edward St. Barbe, but the Fates in the course of time had their revenge, as in the 19th century, Charles St. Barbe married Mary Foster, dr. of the Rev. Thomas Foster, of Ryhall, Rutland, who was descended through the Eyres of Ashley from Thomas Eyre, the father of Giles Eyre.
Giles Eyre m. 1603, Jane Snelgrove, dr. and heiress of Ambrose Snelgrove, of Redlynch, and left issue.
- Giles Eyre, bap. Feb. 10, 1607, M.P. for Downton, 1660, m. Anne Norton, the dr. of Sir Richard Norton, of Rotherfield, the friend and associate of Oliver Cromwell.
- Ambrose Eyre, of New House, m. 1640, m. Frances Tooker, widow of William Tooker, and had issue (1) Frances, b. Ap. 1636; (2) Ambrose, (3) Jane, both bapt. Aug. 21, 1637; (4) William, bap. Jan. 16, 1638. William succeeded his father at New House, but sold it to his cousin, Sir Samuel Eyre, and thus New House passed to that branch of the family.
- John Eyre, a Colonel in Ludlow’s Army, founder of Eyrecourt Castle, ancestor of the Eyres, of Eyrecourt and Eyreville.
- Thomas Eyre, M.P. for Wilts, 1658.
- Edward accompanied his brother to Ireland. Ancestor through his dr. Jane, of Eyre, of Eyreville, through his son Edward, of Eyre, of Macroom Castle.
- William Eyre became a batler or commoner of Magdalen Hall, 1629, at the age of 16; took orders, and was Rector of St. Edmund’s, Salisbury. As his family were politically of the Parliamentarian Party, so his religious feelings were naturally with the Independents. He was a commissioner of Wilts for the ejection of such that were called "Scandalous and ignorant and insufficient ministers." On the restoration of Charles II. he was deprived of his living, and retired to Melksham, where he died and was buried Jan. 30, 1669.
- Henry Eyre, bap. Oct. 23, 1628; Recorder of Salisbury; M.P. for Sarum, 1658; m. Dorothy Hastings, de. of George Hastings, of Woodlands, Dorset. He d. July 18, 1678. His memorial tablet in Whiteparish Church is as follows :--
"Here Lyeth Henry Eyre, one of ye outer barristers of Lincolnes Inn who died July 18 1678."
Arms - Argent on a Chevron, sable, 3 Quatrefoils Or impaling Argent and a Maunch Gules.
The eldest son of Giles Eyre, another Giles, succeeded to the Brickworth property and was ancestor of the Brickworth Eyres.
The property has now passed to the family of Lord Nelson, through his father’s marriage with Miss Eyre of Brickworth but the representation of this branch is now continued in the person of Henry Eyre, of Shaw House, near Newbury.
Giles Eyre, of Brickworth, b. 1572, m. Jane Snelgrove. His 3rd son was John Eyre.
Col. the Right Hon. John Eyre accompanied General Ludlow to Ireland, and after the restoration of Charles II. was returned to Parliament for the town of Galway, and received a patent from the Crown, dated 1662, granting to him the Manor of Eyrecourt and other lands in Galway and Kerry. He m., in 1662, Mary Bigoe, dr. of Philip Bigoe, High Sheriff of Kings County, and died in 1684, leaving issue.
- John Eyre, of Eyrecourt, m. Feb. 7, 1677, Margery Preston, dr. of Sir George Preston, of Craigmillar, and niece of the Duchess of Ormond.
- Samuel Eyre, a Col. in the Army of King William, M.P. for Galway, 1715; m. (1) Jane Eyre, his cousin; (2) Anne, dr. of Robert Stratford, of Baltinglass, of whom later (under Eyreville).
John Eyre d. 1704, leaving issue.
- George Eyre, of Eyrecourt, m. Barbara, dr. of Lord Conningsby.
- John Eyre m. Rose Plunket, dr. of Lord Louth.
- Mary Eyre m. the Right Hon. Geo. Evans, M.P., from whom descend Lord Carberry, the Earl of Seafield, Lord Massey, and Lord Clarina.
- Elizabeth Eyre m. Richard Trench, M.P. for Garbally, from whom Earl Clancarty descends.
- Emelia Eyre m. (1) Rev. W. Wilson; (2) John Rochfort.
- Margery Eyre m. Shuckburg Witney of New Ross.
- Jane Eyre.
George Eyre d. 1711, leaving issue a dr., Barbara Eyre, m. (1) 20 Jan., 1701, Henry Davis; (2) William Jackson of Coleraine.
His brother, John Eyre, m. Hon. Rose Plunket and left issue.
- The Very Rev. Giles Eyre, Dean of Killaloe, m. Mary Cox, dr. of Richard Cox and gr. dr. of Sir Richard Cox, of Dunmanway.
- John Eyre m. 28th May, 1742, Jane Waller, sister of Robert Waller of Rookwood; he d. 1745, leaving a dr. Jane, who died young.
Giles Eyre, the Dean, d. 1757 leaving issue:--
- John Eyre, of Eyrecourt.
- Richard Eyre. m. (1) Emily Trench; (2) Anchoretta Eyre, dr. of Samuel Eyre of Eyreville.
John Eyre was created Lord Eyre of Eyrecourt, the only Wiltshire Eyre that ever held a peerage. Unfortunately he left no male issue to perpetuate the title. He married, in 1746, Eleanor dr. of James Staunton of Galway.
Cumberland thus writes of Lord Eyre and Eyrecourt:--
"On this visit to Mr. Talbot I was accompanied by Lord Eyre of Eyrecourt, a neighbour and friend of my father. This noble lord, though pretty far advanced in years, was so correctly indigenous as never to have been out of Ireland in his life, and not often so far from Eyrecourt, as on this tour to Mr. Talbot’s. Proprietor of a vast extent of soil, not very productive, and inhabiting a spacious mansion, not in the best repair, he lived according to the style of the country, with more hospitality than elegance, and whilst his table groaned with abundance, the order and good taste of its arrangements were little thought of the slaughtered ox was hung up whole, and the hungry servitor supplied himself with his dole of flesh sliced from off the carcase.
His lordship’s day was so apportioned as to give the afternoon by much the largest share of it, during which, from the early dinner to the hour of rest, he never left the chair, nor did the claret ever quit the table.
This did not produce inebrity, for it was sipping rather than drinking that filled up the time, and this mechanical process of gradually moistening the human clay was carried out with very little aid from conversation, for his lordship’s companions were not very communicative, and fortunately he was not very curious."
John, Lord Eyre d. 30 Sep., 1781, leaving issue an only dr., the Hon. Mary Eyre m. Hon. James Caulfield, son of the 3rd Lord Charlemont. They were both lost at sea with their infant child in a hurricane between England and Ireland in 1775, their surviving issue being James Eyre Caulfield and Eleanor Caulfield, who m. the Hon. William Howard, 3rd Earl of Wicklow.
With the death of Lord Eyre without male issue the title expired, whilst Eyrecourt and the representation of the family passed on to his nephew Giles, son of Richard Eyre.
Captain Richard Eyre, of Eyrecourt m. June 21, 1752
- Emilia Trench, of Garbally, dr. of Col. Trench.
- Anchoretta Eyre, dr. of Samuel Eyre, of Eyreville, m. at Modreeny Church, Co. Tipperary, 1764.
Richard Eyre was M.P. and High Sheriff for Galway, d, in 1780, leaving issue by his first wife.
- Col. Giles Eyre, of Eyrecourt.
- Rev. Richard Eyre, D.D., of whom later.
- Capt. Thomas Eyre, of whom later,
and by his second wife,
- Captain John Eyre, of whom later.
Col. Giles Eyre, of Eyrecourt, succeeded his uncle, Lord Eyre, at Eyrecourt. He m. 28th Sept., 1792, Anne, dr. of Michael Daly, as his first wife; secondly, he m. Sophia, dr. of J. Walsh; of Walsh Park, Tipperary. He was Colonel of the Galway Militia and Master of the Galway Hounds, better known as "The Blazers."
With regard to Giles Eyre I must quote a verse from "The Man for Galway,’’ as given in Lever’s Charles O’Malley.
"The King of Oude
Is mighty proud,
And so were once the Caysars (Caesars),
But ould Giles Eyre
Would make them stare,
Av he had them with ‘The Blazers.’
To the devil I fling—ould Ruungeet sing,
He’s only a Prince in a small way,
And knows nothing at all of a six foot wall;
oh, he’d never ‘do for Galway.’
The memory of Col. Giles Eyre still flourishes in hunting circles. The Irish Times, in 1898, in a leader on the Ormond Hunt, thus writes:—
"Giles Eyre was on a visit to the Ormondes, and, getting into a part of the country to which he was a stranger, rushed straight for a six-feet wall which he cleared to find himself landed in a quarry-hole 30 feet deep on the other side. By a hunting miracle rider and horse alighted alive in the depths beneath. ‘What’s over there?’ shouted some of the followers who had come up, and scarcely cared to take the wall on approbation. ‘I am, thank God,’ replied Giles, in his great stentorian tones."
Giles d. in 1830, leaving by his first wife:—
- John Eyre of Eyrecourt, h. May 15, 1794. m. 21 Aug. 1818, Mary, dr. of William Armit.
- Richard Eyre.
- Anne Eyre m. Walter Lambert of Castle Lambert.
- Anchoretta Eyre m. Burton Persse of Moyode Castle.
- Jane Eyre m. Rev. Samuel Roberts.
- Eleanor Eyre m. Col. Disney, H.E.I.C.S.
John Eyre, like his father Giles, was a great man with the Blazers, and met his death whilst out hunting. He left issue—
- John Eyre, of Eyrecourt, m. Eleanor (dr. of Hubert Moore of Shannon Grove.
- William Armit Eyre.
- Marmaduke Eyre of the G.P.O., Dublin.
- Anastasia Eyre m. Capt. Russell, 97th Regt.
- Charity Eyre.
- Georgina Eyre m. Maynard Eyre.
- Eleanor Eyre.
- Diana Eyre.
- Nance Eyre = Butler D. Moore.
- Charlotte Eyre m. Nov., 1874, Lt.-Col. John Auchinleek.
- Mary Eyre.
- Bessie Eyre.
Nance or Nannie Eyre, the 9th child, m. Butler Dunboyne Moore, of Shannon Grove, whose sister Eleanor is Nance’s eldest brother, John Eyre.
Nannie Eyre had a dr., Jane Moore, m. Sinclair Butson, Master of the Blazers, son of Dean Butson.
John Eyre d. in 1890, leaving issue.
- John Eyre, d. s. p., 1882, of yellow fever at Grenada.
- William Gregory Eyre, of Eyrecourt.
- Alice Maude m. (1) Capt. Blair Millar of the 8th Hussars ; m. (2) Goodwin ~ewton, Psq. , of Barrels Park, Warwickshire.
- Edith Eyre.
We must now refer back to— The Rev. RICHARD EYRE, D.D., of Eyrecourt.
The Rev. Richard Eyre, D.D., of Eyrecourt, son of Richard Eyre of Eyrecourt and Emily Trench, and nephew of Lord Eyre, left issue :—
- Capt. Annesley Eyre, d.s.p.
- John Eyre, J.P., of Hassop Park, m. Sarah Mahon.
And left issue.
Richard Eyre, Capt. 48th Regiment, m. Monimia Butler, dr. of Major Butler, 45th Regiment.
Capt. Richard Eyre d. at Blackrock, Co. Dublin, 23rd May, 1866, and there is a memorial to him at Eyrecourt Church.
He left issue.
(a) John Eyre m. (1st) Augusta 1W. M. Mahon, widow of Lieutenant Mahon, 23rd Royal Welsh Fusiliers, dr. of Captain Alen formerly of St. Wolstans, Kildare. John Eyre m. (2nd) Jane, dr. of William Lumley Sanders, F.R.C.S., and widow of Robert Charles Blaer, Esq.
* M. Miss Gore, granddaughter of Arthur 1st Earl of Arran and af~ ~t Lady Anne Dc Bnrgh, dr. of Eall Clanricarde.
Other Sons of John Eyre were
(2)Annesley; (3) Giles; (4) Robert;
(5) John.
(b) Annesley Eyre M. Zenobia, daughter of Lieut. Mahon, 23rd Royal Welsh Fusiliers. Annesley Eyre is in the South African Police.
(c) Richard Eyre. Cape Mounted Rifles. (ci) Robert Eyre, Cape Mounted Rifles.
(3.) Rev. Richard Eyre, of whonm later.
(4.) Giles, twin brother of the above Richard.
(6.) Robert Eyre. m.
And had issue.
- Richard John Eyre, in South Africa.
- Annesley Eyre, d.
- Robert Eyre, M.D.
The Rev. Richard Eyre, above mentioned, was Rector of Eyrecourt. Hem. (1st) Miss Persse of Roxburghe, and (2nd) Norah Butson, sister of Dean Butson, and daughter of Archdeacon Butson.
The dr. of Rev. Richard Eyre, Nannie Eyre, m. her cousin, Col. Thomas Eyre of the 3rd Bombay Cavalry, and had two sons.
- Arthur Page Eyre, who owns a large tract of land in Rhodesia.
- Herbert Hedges Eyre, killed in Mashona Land, South Africa. in 1896, being one of the first killed in the Matabele Rebellion.
We must now go back to
Capt. Thomas Eyre, son of Richard Eyre, m. Elizabeth Russell, and had issue, Col. Thomas Eyre, of the 3rd Bombay Light Cavalry, and of Riversdale. He was m. to Anne Eyre, dr. of Rev. Richard Eyre.
And had issue
- Arthur Page Eyre, living in Rhodesia.
- Herbert Hedges Eyre, killed in Matabele Rebel]ion, 1896.
- Sarah Eyre.
- Mrs. Garvey.
We must now go back to trace the other descendants of Richard Eyre, of Eyrecourt, by his second wife, Anchoretta.
He left issue by bet..
Capt. John Eyre, who m. Jane Purefoy, and had issue.
Richard Eyre, of Wrood View, Co. Galway, who IU. Eleanor, dr. of Capt. Baldwin, H.E.I.C.S.. who left issue.
- Richard Fitz-Richard Eyre, 44th Regiment; he carried the colours of the Regiment at the Battle of tile Alma, and died of cholera shortly afterwards.
- Philip Roman Eyre, b. Aug. 15, 1832; enlisted in the 38th Reg. in 1851 received his commission in the same regiment, 1854. He served with the 38th in the Crimea, including the Siege of Sebastopol. In India, during the Mutiny, being present at the Siege and Capture of Lucknow. He fell in action when leading the 38th as its Col. Commandant in the Battle of Kirkbelcan, the 38th, or South Staffordshire Regiment, being attached to the River Column in Lord Wolseley’s expedition to Khartoum for the relief of General Gordon.
Col. Eyre married, at Wilton, Taunton, when lie was Captain Eyre, Lucy Catherine Louise, only daughter of the late William Clark, Esq., of Clifton.
- Henry Baldwin Eyre, 25th Regiment.
- Thomas Stratford Eyre, named after his relative, Stratford Eyre, of Eyreville. He joined the West India Mail Service, and was on board the s.s. Connaught when it was wrecked. A passenger, a Mr. Scott Smith, on his arrival in America, thus writes in a letter to the J~,ot’ iden cc ,To urea1: —
"The fifth officer, Mr. Eyre, having three of the smaller boats successively lest under him by being dashed to pieces against the vessels, and made five successful trips, became so chilled and exhausted as to seem incapable of further exertion.
In this state he was lying under the bulwark of the brig ~vbeii he heard some disturbance among a boat’s crew, some of whom were refusing to return to the wreck.
He sprang up with some assistance, exclaiming, ‘ I must be there,’,’ seized a hatchet, and still supported, hurried to tilesisit, but on his arrival the men, with one exception, were in the beat. A demand was made for some one to fill the vacant place, and Mr. Eyre at once said, ‘ I shall go hut the person who had supported him tried in vain to prevent his going. thinking him unable to endure more. ‘Ihia officer titan made three more trips, being in the last boat which loft the ship, and having also landed the first passengers on board the brig.’’
- Falkiner Eyre.
- Gerald Dillon Eyre.
- Edmumd Eyre.
- Anmse Crattnn Eyre, m. Lieutenant-Col. Fairt— lougli, of the 48th Regiment.
Samuel Eyre, second son of Col. John Eyre, founder of Eyrecourt, and grandson of Giles Eyre of Brickworth, received large grants of land after the siege of Limerick, in the counties of Galway and Clare; lie also had estates in Tipperary. He resided at Eyreville, otherwise Newtown Eyre, at Woodfield, Sce. He was colonel in the army before Limerick, 1690, M.P. for Galway, 1715. He m. (1st) Jane Eyre, his first cousin, dr. of Edward Eyre (2nd) Anne, dr. of Robert Stratford, of Baltinglass, Co. Wicklow. Marriage settlement with his second wife dated 24th Nov., 1696. Party to settlement of estates, 1720, in which deed his sons John, Thomas, and Stratford, and his grandson Samuel are mentioned.
He died prior to 1734,
Col. Samuel Eyre had by his second wife issue
- Stratford Eyre*, Governor of Galway, 1740, mentioned in Fioude’s historical novel, The Two Chiefs of Dunboy." he married twice (1) Mary, dr. of Charles Dartiquernave. (2) Mrs. Ecklin. He had two children, Marianne, mentioned in a deed, 1759, and Lieut. Eyre, to whom a monument is erected in Rilkenny Church. Governor Eyre was also Vice-Admiral of Manster, He inherited Eyreville, but on his death, his children having died without issue, the Eyreville estates passed to his nephew, Samuel Eyre.
- Anne Eyre, m. 1717. Robert Powell, only son of Richard Powell. of New Garden, Co. Limerick,
- Col. Thomas Eyre, M.P., Master of the Ordnance in Ireland, m. Anne dr. of Col. Cooke. d.s.p. 1772.
- Mary Eyre m. Thomas Crossadaile.
- Frances Eyre m., Oct. 1732, Willington Duffield.
Col. Samuel Eyre had by his 1st wife, Jane Eyre, an only son, John Eyre, of Woodfield and Thomastown, who succeeded to the other and cluef estates. John Eyre m. Mary Willington, dr. of John Willington. Settlements of marriage dated 1719-1720. He was living in 1762, and had issue
- Samuel Eyre, who is mentioned as an infant in the settlement of 1720, to which his grandfather, Col. Samuel, and his father, John, were parties.
- Edward Eyre, living 1750.
Samuel Eyre succeeded not only to the Clare and Tipperary estates but to Eyreville, on the death of his uncle, Governor Stratford Eyre. Samuel Eyre, m. 1741 (marriage settlement dated Dec. 30th, 1741), Charity, only dr. and heiress of Sir Thomas Dancer, Bart., of Modreeny House, Co. Tipperary. Samuel Eyre died in 1789, leaving issue
(1.) Capt. Thomas Dancer Eyre, of Eyreville, of whom later.
(2.) Anchoretta Eyre m. Richard Eyre of Eyrecourt.
(3.) Chichester Eyre, d.s.p., May 17, 1804.
(4.) Mary Eyre m. Charles Grove.
(5.) Elizabeth Eyre m. Lanncelot Madden.
Capt. Thomas Dancer Eyre, Capt. 4th Dragoon Guards, formerly of the Middlesex Militia and 21st Light Dragoons, m. at St. Paul’s, Dublin. Jan. OtIm, 1788, Letitia, widow of Major Johimsoim, and dr. of the Rev. Henry Cole, Rector of Derryloran, Co. Fermangah, brother of the 1st Lord Mountflorence. Capt. Eyre died at Dublin, Oct. 1799, leaving issue:
(1.) Thomas Stratford Eyre (of whom later).
(2.) Elizabeth Florence Eyre, m. 1816, at Kiltormer, the Rev. Edward Hartigan, Vicar of Kiltormer, Rector of Castletown Arra, &c., &c.
Thomas Stratford Eyre, of Eyreville, J.P. was born 8th December, 1788, at Drim Eyre, and was baptised at Kiltormer Chnreh, 20th Dec., 1788. He was a J.P. for County Galway. He m. at St. Peter’s, Dublin, Feb. 1822, Grace Lynar Fawcett. He died at Eyreville, 28t1m Feb., 1877, and was buried at Kiltormer. His wife died 43 years previously, in 1834. At the time of his death he was, perhaps, the senior Magistrate of the County Galway. He was a member of the Ballinasloe Board of Guardians in the early history of that Union.
Thomas Stratford Eyre rebuilt Eyreville in 1832. Lewis’ "Topographical Dictionary of Ireland" says
"Kiltormer, a parish in the barony of Longford, Co. of Galway and province of Connaught, Sf miles NW. front Eyrecourt on the road to Longhrea, contains 2,133 inhabitants. The principal seats are Eyreville, an elegant mansion in the Italian style of architecture, the residence ef T. Stratford Eyre, by whom it was built; Bellevue, of W. Lanrence, Esq.; Skycur. of P. Callaghan, Faq,; and Ballydonagh, of F. Madden, Esq. The Church, which is in the village of Kiltormer, Kelly, was built in 1815, on a site given by T. Stratford Eyre, Esq.’’
Thomas Stratford Eyre had issue
- Thomas Stratford Eyre, of Eyreville (of whom later), bap. at St. Ann’s, Dublin, March 3rd, 1823.
- Letitia Eyre.
- Grace Elizabeth Eyre, living in 1898.
- Anchoretta Eyre, m. William T. Callanan, of Skycur; she d. 1870.
- Robert Hedges Eyre, dsp.
- William Eyre, d. 1869.
- Alfred Eyre, d. before 1834.
- Florence Eyre, d. before 1834.
- Edward Eyre, d. before 1860.
- Amelia Eyre, m. Capt. Phayre, 24th Reg.
Thomas Stratford Eyre, of Eyreville, succeeded his father, Thomas Stratford Eyre. He was born Oct. 30th, 1822; m. Mar. 13th, 1866, at Trinity Church, Edinburgh, Marion Dallas, youngest dr. of Alexander Russel, of Edinburgh.
Thomas Stratford Eyre d. at Eyreville, Feb., 1898, and was buried at Kiltormer.
He had issue
- Marion Letitia Eleanor Eyre, b. 15th Dec.,
- Stratford Eyre, b. Jan. 30th, 1862; d. 9th Feb., 1893.
- Lionel Hedges Eyre, h. 27tl~ May, 1863; living 1898 in Vancouver.
- Willoughby Cole Eyre, b. 20th June, 1865; m. Minnie Heywood; is living 1898 in Vancouver, and has issue a son, Arthur Lowry Cole Eyre.
- Grace Geraldine Eyre, b. June 27th, 1870; m. William Ingram Worthington, at Kiltormer, Aug. 13th, 1890, and has a son, William Stratford Eyre Worthington, b. May, 1891.
- Olive Kathleen Eyre, b. June 26th, 1873.
- Samuel Eyre (second son of John Eyre, founder of Eyrecourt), of Newtown Eyre, otherwise Eyreville, Woodfleld, &c., with estates in Galway, Tipperary, and Clare, Colonel in the army before Limerick, 1690. Marriage settlement with his second wife, Anne, dr. of Robert Stratford, of Baltinglass, Co. Wicklow, dated ‘24th November, 1696. Party to settlement of estates, 1720, in which deed his sons John, Stratford, and Thomas, and his grandson Sanmuel, are mentioned. He died prior to 1734. He was succeeded at Eyreville by Stratford, his son, and in the other estates by his eldest son.
- John Eyre, of Woodfield and Thomastown, eldest son of Samuel Eyre by his first marriage with his first cousin, Jane Eyre. John Eyre nm. Mary Willington. Marriage settlement, 1719; another settlement, 1720. He was living in 1762, and was succeeded on his death by his eldest son.
- Samuel Eyre, of Woodfield and Thomastown, succeeded his uncle Stratford at Eyreville; m. 1741 Charity, only daughter and heiress of Sir Thomas Dancer, Bart., of )Iodrceny House, Tipperary; marriage settlement dated Dec. 30th, 1741. He died 1789, and was succeeded in ins estates by his eldest son.
- Thomas Dancer Eyre, of Eyreville, Captain 4th Dragoon Guards, formerly of the Middlesex Militia and 2lst Light Dragoons, Inarned at St. Paul’s, Dublin, Letitia, widow of Major Johnson and dr. of the Rev. Henry Cole, Rector of Derryloran, Co. Fermnanagh, brother of 1st Lord Mountflorence. Thomas Dancer Eyre died Oct., 1799, at Dublin, and was succeeded by his only son.
- Thomas Stratford Eyre, IF., of Eyreville, b. 8th Dec., 1788, at Drita Eyre, and bapt. at Kiltormer, 20th Dec., 1788. He m. at St. Peter’s, Dublin, February, 1822, Grace Lynar Faweett. He died at Eyreville, 28th Feb. 1877, was buried at Kiltormer, and was succeeded by his eldest son.
- Thomas Stratford Eyre, of Eyreville*, b. Oct. 30, 1822, m. March 13th, 1860, at Trinity Church, Edinburgh, Marion Dallas, youngest dr. of Alexander Russell, of Edinburgh. Thomas Stratford Eyre d. 20th Feb., 1898, at Eyreville, and was buried at Kiltormer.
Connection of the HARTIGAN family with the EYRE family
Elizabeth Florence Eyre of Eyreville, dr. of Capt. Thomas Dancer Eyre by his marriage with Letitia Cole, was m. in 1816 at Kiltormer to the Rev. Edward Hartigan, Vicar of Kiltormer, afterwards Rector of Castletown Arra and Burgessbeg, diocese of Killaloe amid County of Tipperary. Examining Chaplin to the Bishop of Eillaloe and Prebend of Fenore, jim the Diocese of ~loufert.
It was during his incumbency of the hvnmg of lultonuer, and mainly through his exertions, that the present Church and Vicarage of Kiltormer was built on a site given by his brother-in-law, Thomas Stratford Eyre of Eyreville.
The Rev. Edward, who was horn in 1790, was son of William Hartigan, MI)., 0f Dublin, Professor of Anatomy in Trinity College. Dublin, President of the Royal College of Surgeons. Ireland, end a Freeman of the City of Dublin, being a member of the Guild of Apothecaries of St. Luke, which freedom he took out in 1777 in right of his father, Surgeon Edward Hartigan, who was Warden of the Guild in 176.QQQ
The Rev. Edward Hartigan d. in 1850, and was buried at Kiltormer. His Wife died at the age of 77 on the 19th Feb., 1871, and was also buried at Kiltormer.
The Rev. Edward Hartigan had issue by his wife, Elizabeth Florence Eyre
- Letitia Hartigan, m. William Ryves Croker of Alston, Kilpeacon, Co. Limerick, J.P. for Limerick County. She d. Jan. 30, 1897, was buried at Kiltormer, leaving issue
Edith Mabel, m. John Vincent, Col. of the 5th Northumberland Fusiliers.
- William Henry Hartigan of Belmont, Monkstown, C. Dublin, m. Ellen, dr. of the Rev. Heimry Martin, Rector of Aughriiu, Co. Galway.
- Edward Hartigan m. Jane Jackson.
- Strange Butson Hartigan, Lieut. 3rd West India Regiment, served on the Confederate side in the American Civil War of 1860 as Col. of the 3rd Ohio Cavalry. He m. Ellen, dr. of Samuel Sandars, of Lockers House, Hernel Hempstead, Herts.
- Charles Stewart Hartigan, m. Anna Maria, only child of the Rev. Allen Mitchell, Rector of Drumsnatt, Co. Monagha.n, and Rossory, Co. Fermnanagh. Charles Stewart Hartigan d. June 12th, 1896, leaving issue
- Rev. Allen Stewart Hartigan, m. Florence Mary Cleaver, and has issue
- Allen Stewart Cleaver Hartigan.
- Athol Trevor Stewart Hartigan, d. 1884.
- Gladys Florence Stewart Hartigan.
- Edward Ross Hartigan, Capt. 2nd Bombay Infantry, late of the Royal Marine Light Infantry, m. Edith Connolly, and has issue, a son, Guy Edward Ross Stewart Hartigan, b. in India, 1898.
- Arthur Edwin Stewart Hartigan, Captain 6th Bombay Cavalry, late of the 40th South Lancashire Regiment, m. Agnes Emmeline White
- Elizabeth Florence Cole Hartigan.
- Hester Maria Corry Hartigan. -
- Edith Cecil Stewart Hartigan.
- Susan Hartigan, rn. John Crichton Stuart McDouall, J.P., of New Freugh, Singleton, X.S.W., eldest son of the Rev. William McDouall, Freugh, Co. Wigton, arid grandson of Patrick, 6th Earl of Duinfries.
- Robert Stratford Hartigan, surgeon, killed at Singleton, N.S.W., by being thrown from his gig.
- Chichester Cole Hartigan, m. Elizabeth Westrop, dr. of Barkley Vincent, of Summer Hill, Clare, and sister to Ccl. Vincent, of the Northumberland Fusiliers.
- Hannah Hartigan, rn William Riekiord Collett, late M.P. for Lincoln City, and has issue
- Hannah Maria Collett, m. William Corbet.
- Robert A. S. Collett, m. Lily Maunsell.
- Charlotte, m. Edward Goatley.
- William Biekford Collett, rn. Catherine Maunsell.
- Ella Collett, m. William Russell.
- Florence Collett, m. William Walker.
- Edward Collett.
- John Stratford Collett m.
- Thomas Dancer Hartigan.
- Charlotte Hartigan.
1st Descent
- Edward III., m. Phillippa of Hainault and had a soil.
- Thomas of Woodstock, d. of Gloucester, m. and had a daughter.
- Lady Anne Plantaganet, m. William Bouchier, Earl of Ewe, Normandy, and had a son.
- Sir William Bouchier, first Baron Fitz Warine, (new) line, m. Thonmasine daughter of Richard Hanckford and Elizabeth his wife, sister and heiress of Fulke Fitz Warine ç7th Baron Fitz Warine of old line). Sir William Bouchier had a son.
- Sir Fulke LoneLier, Baron Ritz Warine, m. Elizabeth, sister and heiress of John Lord Dyneham, and had a son.
- John Bouchier, Baron Ritz Warine and first Earl of Bath, m. Cecilia, daughter of Giles Lord Daubeney, Earl of Bridgwater, and had a son.
- Joint l3oucliier, Baron Ritz Warine and Earl of Bath, M. Eleanor dr. of George Manners, Lord de lios, and sister of Thomas, Earl of Rutland, and had a son.
- John Bouchier, Lord Ritz Warine, who died in the lifetime of his father, and m. Frances, dr. of Sir John Kitson of Hengrave, Sussex, and had a son.
- William Bouchier, Baron, Earl of Bath (succeeded his grandfather), m. Elizabeth, dr. of Frances Russel, Earl of Bedford, and had a son.
- Edward Bouchier, sixth and last Baron Fitz Warine and fourth and last Earl of Bath, m. Dorothy, daughter of Oliver, Lord St. John of Bletsoe, and had a daughter.
- Lady Anne Bouchier, Countess of Middlesex, m. Sir Chichester Wrey, Bart., and had a son.
- Sir Bouchier Wrey m. Florence, dr. of Sir John Rolle, of Stevenstone, and had a daughter.
- Florence Wrey m. John Cole, M.F. for Enniskillen, and had a son.
- Rev. Henry Cole, Rector of Derryloran, b. 1716, d. 1773., ni. Mary Brooke descended from Sir Basil Brooke, Governor of Donegal, time of Elizabeth), and had a dr.
- Letitia Cole, m. Thomas Dancer Eyre, 4th Dragoon Guards, of Eyreville, and had a son.
- Thomas Stratford Eyre, of Eyreville, ni. Grace Lynar Fawcet, and had a son.
- Thomas Stratford Eyre, of Eyreville, m. Marion Dallas Russel, and had issue
- (1.) Eleanor Eyre.
- (2.) Stratford Eyre.
- (3.) Lionel Hedges Eyre.
- (4.) Willoughby Eyre, m. Minnie Heywood, and has a son, Arthur Lowry Cole Eyre.
- (5.) Geraldine Grace Eyre, m. William Ingram and has a son, William Stratford Eyre.
- (6.) Kathleen Eyre.
- Edward I., m. Eleanor of Castile. and had a dr.
- Lady Elizabeth Plantaganet, m. Humphrey Bohun, Earl of Hereford, and had a dr.
- Margaret de Bohun, m. Hugh de Courtney, Earl of Devon, and had a son.
- Sir Philip Coimrtney, rn Anne. dr. of Sir Thos. Wake, Knt., and had a son.
- Sir John Courtney, rn. Joan. dr. of Alexander Chambernoun, and had a son.
- Sir Philip Courtney, born 1404, iii Elizabeth, dr. of Walter, Lord Hungerford, and had a son.
- Sir William Courtney, d. 1485, rn. Margaret, dr. of William, Lord Bonville, and had a son.
- Sir William Courtney, d. 1512, m. Cicely, dr. of Sir John Cheney of Pincourt, and had a son.
- Sir William Courtney, called the Great, d. 1535, m. Margaret dr. of Sir Richard Edgecoinbe of Cuttle, Knt., and had a son.
- Sir George Courtney, died in his father’s lifetime, m. Catherine, dr. of Sir George St. Leger of Annery, and had a son.
- Sir William Courtney, d 1557, m. Elizabeth Paulet, dr. of the Marquis of Winchester, and had a son.
- Sir William Courtney, b. 1553, d. 1630, m. Elizabeth Manners, dr. of Henry, Ear] of Rutland. and had a dr.
- Mary Courtney, m. Sir William Wrey (1st Bart. er. 1628), d. 1636, and had a son.
- Sir William Wrey, d. 1645, ni. Elizabeth, dr. of Sir Edward Clnehester, 1st Earl of Donegal, and had a son.
- Sir Chieliester Wrey, Ii. 1628, d. 1688, m, Lady Anne LoneLier, and had a son.
- Sir Bouchier Wrey, d. 1696, in, Florence Rolle, and had a dr.
- Florence Wrey m. John Cole, MR. for Enniskillen, and had a son.
- Rev. Henry Cole, m. Mary Brooke, and had a dr
- Letitia Cole, m. Thomas Dancer Eyre, of Eyreville.
For continuation see No. 1 descent.
- Edward I. m. Margaret, dr. of Philip the Hardy, King of France, and had a son.
- Thomas de Brotherton, Earl of Norfolk, m. Alice, dr. of Sir Roger Halys, of Non~icIi, and had a
- Margaret m. John Lord Seagrave, who d. 1353, and had a dau.
- Elizabeth m. John Lord Mowbray, of Axliolrne, d. 1368, and had a son.
- Thomas Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk, d. 1400, m. Elizabeth, dr. of Thomas Fitz-Alaim, Earl Arundel, and had a dau.
- Lady Margery Do Mowbray m. Sir liobert Howard, and had a son.
- Sir John Howard, E.G., Duke of Norfolk (Jocky of Norfolk), m. Agnes Tilu3v, sister of Sir Philip Tilney, of Ashwell Thorpe, Norhilk. and had a dau.
- Lady Catherine Howard M. Sir Rhys Ap Thoimmas, KG., and had a son.
- Griffitim Ap Rhys, who had a dan.
- Katherine Ap Rhys. m. Walter Vaughan, and had a dau.
- Jane Vaughan, m. Sir Adam Loftu~, and Imad a dau.
- Sarah Loftas, m. Sir Thonmas Dancer. Bart., and had a son.
- Sir Loftus Dancer, Bart., who had a son.
- Sir Thomas Dancer, Bart., who had a dau.
- Charity Dancer*, who m. Samuel Eyre, of Eyreville, and had a son.
- Thomas Dancer Eyre, of Eyreville, m. Letitia Cole.
Humphrey Le Heyr = Gallicia
Galfridus Le Heyr
Galfridus Le Heyr
Simon. Eyre
Thomas Eyre
William Eyre = Julia Cockerell
Robert Eyre = Jane, widow of George Tourney
Thomas Eyre = Elizabeth Rogers
Giles Eyre of Brickworth = Jane Snelgrove b. 1572
John ‘Eyre of Eyrecourt = Mary Bigoe
John Eyre of Eyrecourt = Margery Preston
John Eyre = Hon. Rose Plunket
Dean, Giles Eyre = Mary Cox
Thomas Dancer Eyre = Letitia Cole
Richard Eyre = Emily Trench (1st wife)
Thomas Stratford Eyre = Grace Lynar Faweett
Giles Eyre = Anne Daly
Thomas Stratford Eyre = Marion Dallas Russel
Hedges Eyre (eldest sur
The Dormant Barony of Fitz Warine
Edward Bouchier, 4th Rail of Bath, 6th and last Baron Fitz Warine, d. in 1636, when the Earldom expired, and the Barony went into abeyance, and still remains so amongst the descendants of his two daughters, Lady Dorothy Bouchier and Lady Anne Bouchier. The Earl of Bath m. Dorothy, dr. of Oliver. Lord St. John of Bletsoe, and left issue, 3 daughters. namely
- Lady Elizabeth, m. Basil, Earl of Dcnbigh, d.s.p.
- Lady Dorotimy, m. (1) Gimstavus Mackworth, (2) Thomas Lord Grey, of Groby; from this marriage descend the Knightleys, Baronets 6f Fawaley.
- Lady Anne, m. (1st) Earl of Middlesex, and (secondly) Sir Chicliester Wrey, by whom she had issue, Sir Bouchier Wrey, who had a daughter.
Florence Wrey, m. John Cole, and had a son.
The Rev. Henry Cole m. Mary Brooke, and had a daughter.
Letitia Cole, m. Thomas Dancer Eyre, of Eyreville, for whose Descendants see Eyre, of Eyreville.
Arms and Crest of EYRE of Wiltshire
Argent on a chevron sable. 3 quatrefoils or
Crest—A leg in armour couped at the thigh, proper garnished and spurred, or . . . on a cap of maintenance.
Motto.—Eyre of Wilts Virtus sola invicta. Eyre of Eyrecourt.
Over the arms Si Je puis.
Under shield Virtus sola invicta.
This motto is a combination of Wilts and Derbyshire Eyres.
Eyre of Eyreville.
Pro rege swpe, pro patria semper.
This last motto is very significant of the descent of the Eyreville branch from the Cromwellian old Giles Byre of Brickworth.
Lord Eyre of Eyrecourt used this motto.
Eyre of Eyreville can quarter with the Eyre arms.
- Plantagenet in right of descent from Thomas of Woodstock.
- Crooke, in right of descent from the marriage of Simon Eyre with the heiress Eleanor Crooke of Urchfont.
- Dancer, in right of descent from Charity, only dr. and heiress of Sir Thomas Dancer, Bart.
Of the English Eyres, of the Wilts family, there are now left three branches, known as
Eyre, of St. John’s Wood.
Eyre, of Shaw House, near Newbury.
Eyre, of Warrens.
Eyre, of St. John’s Wood, is the senior of these branches and the head of the whole clan of the Wiltshire Eyres. They are descended from Robert Eyre, the eldest brother of Giles Eyre, of Brickworth. This Robert Eyre was b. 1569, m. Anne, dr. of John Still, Bishop of Bath and Wells. He d. 1638, and left issue two drs. and a son, Robert Eyre, b. 1610, m. Anne Aldersey, and left issue three -daughters and a son—Samuel.
This Samuel afterwards became Sir Samuel Eyre, Knt.,
Judge of the King’s Bench, 1693. He purchased New
Rouse from his cousin, William Eyre, and he thus became
Eyre of New House. He m. Martha, dr. of Francis Lucy,
5th son of Sir Thomas Lucy, of Charlecote Park. (The Justice Shallow of Shakespeare), and by her left issue two drs. and four sons, viz.
- The Right Hon. Sir Robert Eyre, of New House, Lord Chief Justice of Common Pleas, 1723.
- Rev. Francis Eyre, m., but died without issue.
- Henry Samuel Eyre, merchant, of St. John’s Wood, which property lie bought, and, dying without issue, lie bequeathed it to his nephew, Walpole Eyre.
- Kingsmill Eyre. Chief Justice Eyre, d. 173~, and left issue, a daughter and three sons.
- Robert.
- Samuel, dsp.
- Edward, Controller of Chelsea College, dsp.
Robert Eyre, m. Mary Fellows, of Shotteshain Hall, Norfolk, and had 3 children, who died in infancy. He bequeathed his estate of New House to Ins cousin Samuel Eyre, eldest son of Kingsmill Eyre. This Samuel Eyre had an only dr., Susan Harriet Eyre, who m. William Purvis, who took name of Eyre, became Eyre, of New House, and left issue, an only dr., Harriet Eyre, who m. George Matcham, and thus carried New House into the family of Matcham. The representation of this branch passed to the Eyres, of St. John’s Wood. Walpole Eyre, second son of Kingsmill Eyre, succeeded his uncle, Henry Samuel Eyre, i~ the St. John’s Wood property, amid his grandson, the Rev. Samuel Eyre, Vicar of All Saints’, St. ,John’s Wood, and Lord of the Manor of St. John’s Wood, d. in 1890, and left issue, two sons and two drs.
Giles Eyre. eldest son of Giles Eyre. of I3rickworth (and brother of Johim i’yre, founder of Eyrecourt),
succeeded his father at Brickworth. He d. 1685, and was succeeded by his eldest son, Sir Giles Eyre, Knt., Judge of the Court of King’s Bench. He m. Dorothy Ryves, and was succeeded by his eldest son, Giles Eyre. This Giles Eyre nu Mabel Thayne, and left issue
- Giles Eyre, dsp., 1750.
- John Eyre, who succeeded his brother, m. Jane Boekland, and left issue:—
- Henry Eyre, of Brickworth, m. Harriet Eyre, dr. of John Eyre, of London, dsp.
- Jane Eyre, m. Robert Eyre, 2nd son of King’s Serjeant Eyre.
- John Eyre, m. Jane Eyre, dr. of Giles Eyre, of Box.
Henry Eyre dying without issue, his brother John succeeded to Brickworth, and left issue, 3 drs. and two sons, viz.
- John Maurice Eyre.
- Henry Eyre.
John Maurice Eyre left an only dr. and heiress, Frances Elizabeth Eyre, who married the second Earl Nelson, and so carried Brickworth into that family.
This branch of the family is now represented by Henry John Andrews Eyre, of Shaw House, the great grandson of Henry Eyre, the brother of John Maurice Eyre, of Brickworth.
Thomas Eyre, a younger brother of old Giles Eyre of Brickworth, rn Anne Jay. Their grandson, Robert Eyre, settled in London, of which city he became a freedman in 1684. He m .Anne Briscoe and left a numerous issue, of whom the eldest was John Eyre, of Putney. He m. Anne, d. of John Pettiward, of Putney, and d. 1750, leaving issue 9 children, of whom the youngest Charles Eyre, of Clapharn, m. Hannah Briscoe, and had seven children, of whom one, George Eyre, of Warrens, b. 1772, m. A. Maria Hayes and their grandson, George Edwards Eyre of Warrens, b. 1840, m. Mildred dr. of Rev. Upton Richards, and has issue, George Eyre, b. 1878.
The Extinct Family of EYRE of Chalfield
The Eyres of Chalfield were after the Eyres of Bromham, now extinct, the senior branch of the family. John Eyre, of Wedhampton, was twice married, by his second marriage with Jane Cusse, he was ancestor of all the present Wilts Eyres. By his first marriage with Margaret Bitton, he was ancestor of the Eyres of Chalfield, the wealthiest branch of the family.
His grandson, John Eyre, of Wedhampton, M.P. for New Sarum in 1571, married Anne, dr. and co-heir of Thomas Tropnell, of Great Chalfield. Their son, Sir William Eyre, lived to a great age, and was twice married.
- To Anne, dr. of Sir Ed. Baynton, Knt.
- To Elizabeth Jackman. His second son, Sir William Eyre, had a son, Col. William Eyre, who fought in the Civil Wars on the King’s side, even as the Brickworth Eyres fought on the Parliament side. He left a dr. and heiress, Jane Eyre, who married Sir John Hanhamn, of Dean’s Court, Wimborne, Bart., and from this marriage the present baronet descends.
The first Sir William Eyre, of Chalfield, had also by his second wife, Elizabeth Jaekmau, a numerous issue, amongst whom was a dr., Anne Eyre, who m. John Long, eldest son of Sir Walter Long, of Wraxall, and from this marriage descends the present Walter Tiume Long, of Rood Ashton and Wraxall, M.P. for Fast Wilts, and a member of Lord Salisbnry’s Cabinet (1898) as President of the Board of Agriculture. The Mansion House of Chalfield still exists in this year of 1898.
It is now in the possession of a tenant farmer. Built in the time of the Plantaganets, it is perhaps one of the perfect specimens of the ancient domestic architecture of England now existing.
It is a house much visited by antiquarians, and has been described by enthusiasts on the subject as a "priceless gem."
Harriot Eyre, dr. of John Eyre, of Putnev and London, b. 1724, m. Henry Eyre of Brickworth.
Penelope Sophia Eyre, dr. of Rev. James Eyre, m. George Eyre, of Warrens.
Robert Thornton Eyre, son of George Eyre, of Warrens, m., 1840, Harriet, dr. of Henry Eyre, of Botleigh.
Mary Hulse Eyre, dr. of George Eyre, of Warrens, m. 1839, Rev. C. J. Phipps Eyre.
Elizabeth Eyre, dr. of King’s Serjeant Giles Eyre, of Box, m. John Eyre, of Landford.
Rev. Robert Eyre, son of King’s Serjeant Eyre, m. Jane, dr. of John Eyre, of Landford.
Samuel, son of John Eyre, of Eyrecourt, m. Jane, dr. of Edward Eyre, of Galway. -
Richard Eyre, of Eyrecourt, m. Anchoretta Eyre, of Eyreville.
Col. Thomas Eyre, of Riversdale and Eyrecourt, 3rd Bombay Cavalry, m. Nannie, d. of Rev. B. Eyre, of Eyrecourt.
Maynard Eyre, m. Georgina, 3rd dr. of John Eyre. of Eyrecourt.
An ancient parchment pedigree of the family of Eyre, of Wilts, is in possession of the Eyres, of Eyreville. it is headed thus:—
"A branch of the genealogie of the ancient family of Eyre, formerly fixed in Salisbury, in the County of Wilts, aEd known by the name of Eyre, of ye cheesecross. Drawne downe with their armes, wives, and issue to this present year, 1685."
This title, "Eyre, of ye Cheesecross," puzzled me.
I had not come across it before in any records of the family. Even the Eyres, of St. John’s Wood, the head of the Wiltshire Eyres, had never heard of it. I inserted a query in the "Genealogical Magazine," and I here give the two replies I got
Cheese Cross=Chase Cross, where four cross roads or chases meet. As in the Royal Liberty of Wavering-atte-Bower m. Essex. By the common folk it is usually spoken of as Cheesecross, and that spelling has also occurred upon some maps.
The term Cheesecross was applied to a block of buildings in the City of New Sarum, or Salisbury.
The Parish Register of White Parish |
1618 |
19 Aug., Robert, son of Giles Eyre, Gent. |
1623 |
22 Feb., John(a), son of Giles Eyre, Gent. |
1625 |
Thomas, son of Giles Eyre, Gent. |
1626 |
Jan. 23, Edward(b), son of Giles Eyre, Gent. |
1628 |
Oct. 23, Henry, son of Giles Eyre, Gent. |
1631 |
Aug. 28, Catherine, dr. of Giles Eyre. |
1636 |
April 19, Francis, dr. of Ambrose Eyre, Gent. |
1637 |
Aug. 21, Ambrose and Jane, the son and daughter of Ambrose Eyre, Gent. |
1638 |
Jan. 16, William, son of Ambrose Eyre. |
1640 |
Jan. 28, John, son of Giles Eyre, junr. |
1642 |
May 7th, Francis, son of Giles Eyre, junr. |
1658 |
July 12, Alice, dr. of Henry Eyre. |
1664 |
Ap. 15, Martha, dr. of Samuel Eyre, Esq. |
1664 |
May 26, Giles, son of Giles Eyre, Esq. |
1665 |
Ap. 12, John, son of Giles Eyre, Esq. |
1666 |
Mar. 18, Henry, son of Giles Eyre, Esq. |
1673 |
Christabella, dau. of Giles Eyre, Esq. |
1673 |
William, son of Samuel Eyre, Esq. |
1674 |
Dec. 30, Constance, dr. of Samuel Eyre, Esq. |
1674 |
June 5, Robert, son of Giles Eyre, Esq. |
1675 |
Mar. 30, Mary, dr. of Giles Eyre, Esq. |
1676 |
Henry, son of Samuel Eyre, Esq., was born Ap. 6, eleven in the night. |
1677 |
May 26, Kingsmill (c), the son of Samuel Eyre, Esq., born May 23. |
1677 |
Oct. 20, Wyndham, son of Giles Eyre, born Oct. 1. |
1678 |
Feb. 18, Dorothy, dr. of Giles Eyre, Esq., born Feb. 15. |
1680 |
Nov., Elizabeth, dr. of Giles Eyre, Esq. |
1683 |
June 1, Mary, dr. of Giles Eyre, Esq. |
1688 |
July 10, Richard, son of Samuel Eyre. |
1692 |
Giles, son of Giles Eyre, Esq., born Mar. 27. |
1693 |
Mar. 31, John, son of Giles Eyre, Esq., born Mar. 20. |
1627 |
Apr. 24, Edward Hodges to Elizabeth Eyre. |
1631 |
Ap. 31, John Bridgewater to Anne Eyre. |
1635 |
Ap. 26, Edward Pratt to Judith Eyre. |
1817 |
Feb. 20, George Matcham, of Slaugham, Co. Sussex, to Harriet Eyre, of Newhouse. |
1826 |
Oct., The Rev. George Frederick Everett, of Landford, To Frances Eyre. |
1640 |
Ambrose Eyre. |
1655 |
Jan. 15, Giles Eyre, Esq. (1) |
1678 |
July 10, Henry Eyre, Esq. |
1679 |
Robert, son of Giles Eyre, Esq. |
1681 |
Ap. 2, Wyndham, son of Giles Eyre, Esq. Ap. 28, Mrs. Mary Eyre. Ap. 29, Mary, dr. of Giles Eyre, Esq. |
1685 |
Dec. 17, Giles Eyre, sen., Esq. |
1686 |
Aug. 2, Christabella, dr. of Giles Eyre. |
1695 |
June 12, Sir Giles Eyre, Knt. (2) |
1715 |
Nov. 11, John Eyre, Esq. |
1728 |
Died Mar. 8, Giles Eyre, Esq. |
1733 |
Giles Eyre, the elder. |
1749 |
Jane, dr. of John Eyre, of Landford. |
1750 |
Giles Eyre, Esq. |
The Parish Register of Great Chaldfield, Near Wraxail, Wilts. ——:o:—— |
Ano Doni 1545 January 25 Nativitie. | In die conversioni Sancti Pauli about five of the cloak in the afternoon was born Elizabeth Eyre in the year of the rayne of King Henry the Eight the xxxviij 1545. |
1547 September 1 Nativity. | September the first about foure of the clock in the morning was born Mary Eyre Anno regni Edwardi Sextis regis i 1547. |
1549 June 14 Nativity |
June the fourteenth about five of the clock in the afternoon was borne Margarett Eyre Anno Regis Edwardi Sexti tertio 1549. |
1551 Decembr. 14 Nativity. | Decembr. the fourteenth about nine of the clock in the night was borne Susan Eyre Ano Regis Edwardi sexti quarto 1551. |
1554 February 7 Nativitie. | Ffebruary the seventh about three of the clock in the morninge was borne Alice Eyre Anno Regni (Regni) Regince Mariae Primo 1554. |
1555 January the first Nativity | January the first about foure of the clock in the morning was borne Willm. Eyre Anno Domi 1555. |
1559 March 7 Nativity | The morrow upon Midlent Sunday about the break of the day was borne Anne Eyre Ano Doni 1559 |
1578 Maie 13 Nativity | Maie the thirteenth between x and xi of the clock in the night was borne Anne Eyre the daughter of Mr. William Eyre and Anne his wife Anno regince Elizabethce Vicesimo |
1580 Aug. 26 Nativitie | August the Twentie sixth being Thursday about five of the clock in the evening was borne John Eyre sonné of William Eyre and Anne his wife Anno regni Reginae Elizabethae Vicesimo secundo |
1582 Decbr. 4 Nativity | Decembr. the fourth being Tuesday about five of the clock in the morning was borne Edward Eyre the son of Willm. Eyre ar and Anne his wife Ano Regince Elizabethae 25 |
1584 Maie 18 Nativity | Maie the eighteenth being Monday in the forenoon was borne Wilim. Eyre sonne of Wilim. Eyre ar and Anne his wife Ano Dni 1584 |
1585 |
Decembr. the twentieth being Monday between twelve and one of the clock in the same day was born Grace Eyre Daughter of Willm. Eyre arr. and his wife Anne, Ano Doni 1585. |
1581 Septembr. 22 Deceased. |
Septembr. the two and twenLieth being Friday in the morning about vii of the clock John Eyre Esquier 1851. |
1587 June 19 Deceased. |
June the nineteenth being Monday deceased Anne Eyre the wife of Wm. Eyre arr. Ano Doni 1587. |
1590 Septembr. 6. Nativity |
Septembr. the sixth was borne Anne the Daughter of Wm. Eyre and Elizabeth his wife baptifed Septemb. 15 Anno Doni 1590. |
1591 Septembr. 14 Nativity |
Septembr. the fourteenth between 7 and 8 of the clock in the afternoon was borne Robert the son of Mr. Wm. Eyre Esquier and Elizabeth his wife baptized at Cosha Septemb. 21. 1591. |
1594 Novemb. 26 Nativity. |
Novembr. the xxvith being Tuesday was borne Elizabeth Eyre daughter to Sr. Wm. Eyre Knight and dame Elizabeth his wife Ano Doni 1594. |
May 28 1598 Ano Domi |
Lucie the daughter of Sir William Eyre Knight and Dame Elizabeth his wife was baptized Maie 28, Ano Domi 1598 at Cosham. |
1599 Maie 28. bapt |
Henry the sonne of Sir Wm. Eyre Knight. and Dame Elizabeth his wife was baptized. Maie 28 1599 at Cosham. |
1596 July 5 deceased |
July the fifth Grace Eyre gent deceased Ano Doni 1596 |
1600 ffebruary 10 Nativity | ffebruary the tenth about three of the clock in the afternoon was borne Olive the daughter of Sir Wm. Eyre Knight and Dame Elizabeth his wife Ano Doni, 1600 |
1605 Jan. 30 Deceased | Jan. xxx Eliz. Eyre Gent deceased. Ano. Doni 1605. |
Maried 1613 | Mr John Long* Esquier oldest sonne of Sir Walter Long Knt maried to Mrs. Anne Eyre oldest daughter of Sir Willim Eyre. Knight Sept. 28 1613. |
1615 August 20 Baptised | Willam the so nne of Mr. John Longe Esquier and Mrs Anne his wife was borne August 10 about 10 of the clock at night and Baptized August the 20th. 1615. |
1622 March 26 buried. | Dame Elizabeth Eyre Lady wife to Sir Willm. Eyre Knight was buried March 26 Ano domi 1622 |
In the above the original spelling, &c., is copied.
The first John Eyre, of Eyrecourt, was a great favourite with Charles II., who granted him a patent for his property, a document still in existence. This monarch in 1652 sent Sir Richard Fanshawe, brother to Viscount Fanshawe, Master of Bequests at the Court of Dublin, to Eyrecourt, with his own portrait, set in brilliants, as a presentation to John Eyre, and accompanied it with patents to hold Manor Courts and other privileges.
In 1662 the Eyrecourt property had extended from Galway to the King’s County, Tipperary, and Kerry. In the latter county it amounted to 35,000 acres, and in the same year the Irish Parliament directed the Sheriffs of Kerry to put Colonel John Eyre into the peaceable possession of his estate in the Kingdom of Kerry.
Hard by on the same side is another brass Tablet, inscribed in the following terms :—
"First Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment.—’ To the Glory of God, and in memory of the officers, non-commissioned officers and men of the above regiment, who fell in action, or died of their wounds or of disease in the Campaign of the Soudan, in 1884-85.’
Below the inscription appear the names of the officers and men referred to in the foregoing, and it is also stated that the tablet is dedicated by the officers, non-commissioned officers, drummers and privates of the said regiment. The border consists of a scroll, bearing the names of the different engagements in which the regiment has taken part, while at the foot is a representation of the Sphynx.
Thomas Eyre, of Eyrecourt, son of Richard Eyre, of Eyrecourt, by Amelia Trench, of Garbally, married Elizabeth Russell, who d. 1820, by whom he had four children, three of whom died quite young, one survived, Colonel Thomas Eyre, of 3rd Bombay Cavalry, who m. Anne, dr. of the Rev. Richard Booth Eyre, rector of Eyrecourt. One of the sons of Col. Thomas Eyre was killed in 1896, in action with the Mashonas in South Africa, but another son survives, namely, Thomas Arthur P. Eyre.
After sending to Press, I received too late for insertion in its proper place certain particulars about the family from Mr. Frederick James Eyre, of North Adelaide, South Australia, and from this letter I quote the following extracts, and at the end of it append his pedigree :—
"Some three or four years ago I had my pedigree entered at ‘Herald’s College’ and ‘Ulster’s Office,’ and from the latter a ‘patent’ was issued confirming the arms to me as follows, viz. Argent, on a Chevron Sable, three quatrefoils, or, in (luef. a mullet gules (for cadency), and (for distinction), the whole within a bordure wavy vert.
"Crest—on a wreath of the colors—a leg in armour couped at the thigh, proper, garnished and spurred, gold, charged with a mullet, as in the arms (for cadency), with a baton, sinister, sable. Motto: ‘Pro rege soepe, pro patria semper.’
"My grandfather had a brother, Rev. Dr. Richard Eyre, whose son, Robert Eyre, lived at Earlstone, Portumna.
"I have record of Rev. Richard Booth Eyre, for many years Rector of Eyrecourt, but whose son he was 1 do not know. His daughter is now living at Parsonstown. She is the widow of my late uncle, Col. Thomas Eyre.
"My father was married twice. (He was in the Army). By his first marriage he had an only son, Thomas, who resides in Jersey. He was formerly in the G.P.O., London, and had no family."
Pedigree of Frederick James Eyre,
copied from pedigree issued by "Herald’s College"
London & Ulster’s Office, Dublin.
The Very Reverend Giles Eyre (Dean of Killaloe) of Eyrecourt Castle, died 1757, had 2 sons :—
- John, Lord Eyre (left an only daughter), died 1781.
- Richard, member of the Irish House of Commons, and High Sheriff of Co. Galway, married (1st) Amelia Trench, of Garbally, whose 3rd son.
Thomas Eyre, of Eyrecourt, sometime captain in his Majesty’s 51st Regiment, and afterwards Brigadier-General of the South American Patriotic Forces in the War of Independence; killed, while defending the fortress of Rio-de-la-Hache South America, Oct. 11th, 1819, aged 44. M. I. in Eyrecourt Church. The said Brigadier-General Thomas Eyre, while residing in Jersey, Channel Islands, was father of Thomas Eyre (natural Son), born 1801, at St. Helier, Jersey; and who married (secondly) at the Parish Church of St. Brelade, in the Island of Jersey, by licence from the Vice-Dean, 7th July, 1854, Elizabeth Mary, daughter of the Rev. Thomas Jarvis, St. Helier, Jersey. By this marriage was born an only son, Frederick James Eyre, now of Adelaide, S. Australia, born at St. Helier, Jersey, Oct. 17th, 1862, and married Mary King, eldest daughter of Edward Robert Simpson, of N. Adelaide, April 30th, 1890, and has issue, an only daughter, Marjorie Adelaide, born at North Adelaide, Feb. 5th, 1891.
The following is from a review in "Saunders’ Newsletter," Feb. 9, 1878, on Lecky, on "The English in Ireland in 18th Century ":—
"Colonel Eyre, Governor of Galway in 1748, was one of the strong men armed in whom Mr. Froude’s soul delights. The Friars an priests lived unmolested under his very nose, and the Government declined to support his zealous efforts to expel them. There were scarcely any Protestants in Galway. The Corporation consequently consisted of such men as ‘a son of Lord Tyrawly’s footman, who was Mayor; one Sheriff was a beggar; another a poor shoemaker. Alderman Ellis was a broken Dragoon. The Deputy Recorder, a poor antiquated man of 70, who is supported by the Baptists.’ All the respectable families were, in fact, Catholics, and this was the result of excluding them. Governor Eyre failed in his attempt to govern by sheer force. Mr. Lecky has pointed out that there were other things against him besides his unpopularity with the Catholics.. He had been removed for some reason from the Commission of the Peace, about 1740; and eight years later, the Government still refused to reinstate him. The Duke of Devonshire was memorialised by Eyre to obtain him his reward for apprehending certain Dominican Friars. This was in 1759.
"The Duke, who had been Lord Lieutenant two years before, objected strongly to the claim. He remembered that ‘what was suggested against the friars was so far from being well founded that they proved to be not only very inoffensive men, but objects of compassion, and were relieved by his Grace accordingly.’"
Governor Eyre, of Galway, 1748, must not be confused with Governor Eyre, of Jamaica, 1865, who comes from the Derbyshire family of Eyre. Governor Stratford Eyre, of Eyreville, was twice married. His wives were a Miss Dartiquernave and "Widow" Ecklin. Paintings of both these ladies are still in existence at Eyreville. Governor Byre had a daughter named Marianne, whose name occurs in several dads, and who ,was a minor in 1759, and a son, Lieutenant Eyre, to whom there is a memorial in Kilkenny Church. Both these children died unmarried, and Eyreville was inherited by Samuel Eyre, nephew to the Governor.
One of the deeds I have examined whilst writing this history of the family is a post nuptial settlement of John Eyre on his wife, Mary Willington, dated Dec. 9th, 1720. It mentions three generations of Eyres. Samuel Eyre, the elder (second son of the founder of Eyrecourt), of Newtown Eyre; his son, John Eyre, of Newtown Eyre; and Samuel Eyre, the younger, infant grandson of the above Samuel Eyre. It also mentions Stratford Eyre, afterwards Governor of Galway, the second son of Samuel Eyre, senior, by a second marriage, and also Edward Eyre, of Galway, the son of Edward Eyre, who was brother of the founder of Eyrecourt.
Thomas Dancer Eyre, of Eyreville, of the Middlesex Militia afterwards Cornet 23rd Regiment of Light Dragoons, Commission dated 26th of September, 1781, afterwards Captain 4th Dragoon Guards, succeeded his father Samuel Eyre, in the Eyreville property on his father’s death in August, 1789, which property his father inherited from his uncle, Governor Stratford Eyre of Eyreville.
Thomas Dancer Eyre m. Letitia, widow of Major Burton Johnson, who died July 3rd, 1787, whilst a passenger on board the ship Mermaid on a passage from the Island of Antigua towards Liverpool. Letitia Johnson was a daughter of the Rev. Henry Cole, Rector of Derryloran, County Fermanagh, the brother of the first Lord Mountflorence.
Copy of Marriage Certificate :----
" I hereby certify that I solemnised a marriage (in consequence of licence which issued from the Consistorial Court of Dublin, to me, for that purpose) between Captain Thomas Eyre and Mrs. Letitia Johnson, widow, on this 6th day of January, 1788. (eight.)
Rector of St. Paul’s, Dublin."
Thomas Dancer Eyre died in Dublin, October, 1799, leaving issue by this marriage two children, a son and heir, Thomas Stratford Eyre, and a daughter, Mrs. Hartigan, wife of the Rev. Prebendary Edward Hartigan. Certificate of the birth of the above Stratford Eyre: —
"I certify that Thomas Stratford Eyre, eldest son of Thomas Dancer Eyre, Esq., and Letitia Eyre, otherwise Cole, his wife, was born on the 8th December, 1788 (eight), and was baptized by me on the 20th December, 1788.
Curate of Kiltormer."
This Thomas Stratford Eyre d. in 1877, at Eyreville, was buried in Kiltormer, and was succeeded in the property by his eldest son, Thomas Stratford Eyre.
Thomas Stratford Eyre, of Eyreville, m. Marion Dallas Russel, dr. of Alexander Russel, of Edinburgh; married at Trinity Church, Edinburgh, March 13th, 1860, and had issue: —
- Marion Letitia Eleanor Eyre, b. 15th December, 1860.
- Stratford Eyre, born 30th Jan., 1862; died 9th Feb., 1893.
- Lionel Hedges Eyre, b. May, 1863; living in Vancouver.
- Willoughby Cole Eyre, b. 20th June, 1865; married Minnie Heywood and has issue :— Arthur Lowry Cole Eyre.
- Grace Geraldine Eyre, b. 27th June, 1870; m. at Kiltormer Church, Eyreville, Aug. 13th, 1890, William Ingram Worthington, and has issue :— William Stratford Eyre Worthington, b. May, 1891.
- Olive Kathleen Eyre, b. 26th June, 1873.
On the death of the eldest son, Stratford Eyre, in 1893, the entail was broken off, and his father, the late Thomas Stratford Eyre, dying in Feb., 1898, left the Eyreville estate to his grandson, William Stratford Eyre Worthington, on condition of his assuming the name and arms of Eyre when he comes of (age)
(From the Irish Illustrated Journal, May, 1898)
The following is extracted from an article in the above paper, entitled "Some Old Irish Mansions" :—
"Eyrecourt Castle, the country seat of the Eyre family, is situated just outside the post town of Eyrecourt, in the county of Galway. It is a fine old building, and is very spacious. It contains what is supposed to be the finest staircase in Ireland, made of massive oak, and exquisitely carved by Dutch carvers, who came over for that purpose. Over the hail door is the inscription, carved on a huge oak panel, ‘Welcome to Lthe House of Liberty,’ and truly was it a house of liberty and hospitality during the end of the last century and the beginning of the present one, when its owners were in receipt of a rental over thirty thousand a rear.
"In the extensive and well wooded demesne are the ruins of an old square fort, from which a subterranean cave or passage runs two-and-a-half miles, and opens near the fine old Abbey of Meelick."
The following is an interesting historical anecdote concerning a distinguished member of this old Norman family, which first settled in England at the time of the Conquest: —
"At the siege of Ascalon, A.D. 1192, Humphrey Le Heyre was riding with King Richard the First in front of the town. Seeing men on the wall preparing to discharge a stone from a Changonell at the King, he interposed his own body, and had his thigh shattered by the missile, thus saving the King’s life, in memory of which the King granted him as crest a leg couped at the thigh in armour, &c."
In 1768 John Eyre, of Eyrecourt Castle, was raised to the Irish peerage as Baron Eyre of Eyrecourt.
Cumberland, the dramatist (son of the Bishop of Clonfert), gives in his memoirs a very curious account of a visit he paid his lordship’s castle. He explains the life led by Lord Eyre, which was much the same as that led by most gentlemen who possessed large estates, and had nothing to think of except sport. Lord Eyre had, it seems, the crack cocks of Ireland, and was a great admirer of cock fights. He had a gala day for Mr. Cumberland’s edification which he describes.
Lord Eyre was succeeded by his nephew, the famous Giles Eyre, whom Lever has immortalised in "Charles O’Malley."
This gentleman set no limits to his extravagance. He kept the renowned pack of Hounds, the Galway Blazers.
In the immense stables attached to the Castle he always had between thirty and forty horses, the finest hunters he could get. On one election contest alone he spent £80,000, and then did not get into Parliament. His guardian indulged him in every folly and extravagance he could. His own solicitor and his guardians’ solicitor between them manipulated his money matters and estates in the usual heathen Chinee fashion so natural to their calling, until they left him nearly fleeced, and when he died he left the estates encumbered, having sold the greater portion of them.
One distinguished member of the family deserves mention here; it was Lieutenant-Colonel Philip Homam Eyre, of the 38th Regiment, who was killed in the Soudan. When a youth this gallant officer was given a nomination to a clerkship in the Post-office, while the Marquis of Clanricarde was Postmaster-General. But the life did not suit him, and he disliked desk work, with the result that, after several slips of his pen, the head of his room one morning, in a rage, told him he would never make a clerk. "Then what shall I do?" said young Eyre. "The best thing you can do, is, enlist," replied the official. The next morning he did not appear as usual, and when on the second morning he strolled in leisurely, the official met him with"Well, sir, explain why you were absent yesterday without leave?" "I took you at your word," replied Eyre, cooly, "I have enlisted, and just called to bid you all good-bye."
He soon rose from the ranks, and died fighting in full command of the regiment he had enlisted in.
The family is closely connected with most of the leading Irish families, the Ormondes, the Earls of Wicklow, the Earls of Bantry, the Earls of Clanmorris, as well as Lord Nelson, Lord Conningsby, &c., &c.
The present occupant of Eyrecourt Castle is Wm. Gregory Eyre, Esq., J.P.
He is a young man, and having started for himself in America as a mere boy, is full of mettle and go, having no nonsense about him, and he may yet retrieve the fallen fortunes of his family. He was for some time on the Land Commission, on which he acted as sub-commissioner. In the church in the town of Eyrecourt are monumental tablets to some of the deceased members of the family, amongst them being one erected by the officers of the 48th Regiment to the memory of their late brother officer, Captain Richard Eyre. The inscription runs as follows
"Sacred to the memory of Richard Eyre, Esq., Captain 48th Regiment, who died at Blackrock, Co. Dublin, on the 23rd May, 1866. He served thirteen years and five months in the Regiment, and was present with it at the siege and fall of Sebastopol. This tablet is erected by his brother officers to testify their esteem for him and their sorrow for his loss."
Captain Eyre left four sons, the three younger of whom followed him in the profession of arms by joining the Cape Mounted Rifles.
One of them has recently distinguished himself during a fight between two native tribes, when he sat in his saddles for several hours under a very heavy cross fire with only three men to support him in the face of overwhelming odds.
Captain Eyre’s eldest son entered upon a literary career. He wrote one of the John Bull series, and more than one brochure from his pen has been distributed in the House of Commons. He is a cousin of Mr. Eyre, of Eyrecourt, but through numerous deaths in the family is now his nearest kinsman."
More than 20 years ago they and the author were boys together in a South London suburb, and the acquaintance with the eldest son has after long years been renewed through correspondence entailed in the writing and compiling of this history of the family.
The four sons of Capt. Richard Eyre are*
- John R. Eyre, of Braeside, Teddington.
- Annesley Eyre.
- Richard Eyre.
- Robert Eyre.
Their father, Capt. Richard Eyre, was grandson of the Rev. Dr. Richard Eyre, brother of the famous Giles of "The Blazers," and a nephew of Lord Eyre.
Capt. Philip Eyre, of the 38th, and the writer’s father, Charles Stewart Hartigan, his kinsman, were clerks together in the Dublin General Post Office half a century ago. Another Post Office Eyre was Marmaduke Eyre, uncle of the present Eyre of Eyrecourt.
The Ascalon tradition belongs to the Wiltshire Eyres, the Hastings tradition being common property both of Derbyshire and Wiltshire families. Humphrey Le Heyre, the hero of Ascalon tradition, appears in the pedigree of the Wiltshire Eyres, as set forth in this book.
I. Sir William Cole, Knt., m. Catherine Parsons, dr. of Sir Lawrence Parsons, of Birr, who was ancestor of Lord Rossmore, and had a son.
II. Sir Michael Cole, Knt., m. Alice, dr. of Chidley Coote, of Killester, and had a son.
III. Sir Michael Cole, Knt., m. his first cousin, Elizabeth, dr. of Sir John Cole, Bart., of Newland, and had a son.
IV. John Cole, M.P. for Enniskillen, m. Florence Wrey, dr. of Sir Bouchier Wrey, Bart. (her portait is ‘preserved at Florencecourt, the seat of Earl Enniskillen), and had issue.
V. (1.) John Cole, 1st Lord Mountflorence, and 1st Visct. Enniskillen. (2.) Rev. Henry Cole, Rector of Derryloran, Co. Fermanagh, m. Mary Brooke, and had a dr.
VI. Letitia Cole m. Capt. Thomas Dancer Eyre, of Eyreville.
- Sir Basil Brooke, Knt., Governor of Donegal in the reign of Elizabeth, m. Elizabeth, dr of Thomas Leicester, of Toft, and had a son.
- Sir Henry Brooke, Knt., Governor of Donegal, like his father, received large grants of land in that County for his services during the Rebellion of 1641,. m. Anne, dr. of Sir George St. George, and had a son.
- Thomas Brooke m. Catherine Cole, eldest dr. of Sir John Cole, Bart., of Newland, and had a son.
- Henry Brooke m., 1711, Lettice Burton, dr. of Benjamin Burton, Alderman of the City of Dublin. This Benjamin Burton is mentioned as one of the parties in the marriage Settlement of Samuel Eyre of Eyreville, with his second wife, Anne Stratford, of Baltinglass, Nov. 24th, 1696, and is described in that deed as, goldsmith of the city of Dublin. He was ancestor of the Burtons, baronets, of Carlow, and of the Suttons, baronets, of Benham Park, Newbury. Henry Brooke died 1761, leaving issue by his wife Lettice.
- (1.) Sir Arthur Brooke, Bart., from whom descend the Brookes, Baronets, of Colebrooke, Lord de Vesci, and the Parnells, Lord Congletons. (2.) Mary Brooke m. Rev. Henry Cole, and had a dr.
- Letitia. Cole m. Capt. Thomas Dancer Eyre, of Eyreville.
This short history, of the Eyrecourt and Eyreville branches of the family, must not be taken as being an absolutely compressive one, but rather as a sort of handbook to those of the family who are desirous of going deeper into the history of their race than I have been able to do within the compass of a small volume like this.
The blank leaves at the end of the book are intended for M.S.S. notes and additions as suits the individual reader.
The Eyre family is a very widely extended one, and starting from a known progenitor in the reign of Richard I., is, at the end of the 19th century, so far from dying out, that it has such numerous representatives, that there is as much chance of the name disappearing as there is of that of Smith and Brown.
The Eyre family in this respect stands perfectly unique amongst the Ancient families of England, and consequently forms an interesting genealogical Study.
We must note that beside the earlier settlement in Ireland of the Wiltshire Eyres, in the time of Cromwell, by the two brothers John and Edward Eyre, the sons of Giles Eyre, of ‘Brickworth, there was a later settlement of the family, this time represented by some Derbyshire Eyres, who came over to Ireland with Lord Cornwallis.
The Eyres, of Clifden Castle, Co. Galway, formerly the seat of the ancient Norman Irish family of D’Arcy, spring from this source ; as I believe also does Edmund Eyre, the Treasurer of the City of Dublin.
From this source also comes Dr. Edmund F. Eyre, of North
London ; he states that :—
I. Edmund Eyre went to Ireland with Lord Cornwallis, and m. a Miss Mulcan, of Limerick County, and had one son.
II. Edmund Eyre, who m. Miss Hastings, of Co. Kerry, and had three sons.
III. (a) Silvester, (b) John, (c) Cornelius. Of these three, John had a son.
IV. Edmund Eyre, who m. his cousin, Margaret Eyre, dr. of Cornelius Eyre, both of whom are living in Co. Limerick, 1898, and had issue—
V. (a) Mary Eyre (d).
(b) John Eyre, a medical man practising in Rome.
(c) Edmund Eyre, a doctor in North London.
(d) Anne Eyre (d.)
I have mentioned this to show that in Ireland, and even in Galway, that there are Eyres of Derbyshire extraction, as well as the descendants of the first Eyres, who came from the Wiltshire family.
But, to return to our own Eyrecourt folk, the extravagance, of Giles Eyre of Blazers’ fame, coupled with the enormous sum he spent on the election of 1811, had a disastrous effect on the fortunes of the Eyrecourt family, and, in a lesser degree, the same thing happened in the Eyreville branch of Eyrecourt, as I find Samuel Eyre of Eyreville, who died 1788, described as an "Idle, extravagant and reckless man, paying no attention to the family inheritance."
And with these two examples before me, I conclude with the words that a member of the family wrote to me.
"The Eyres are certainly an historical family, and consequently the events connected with them are of great interest, and one cannot cease to regret that so much wealth, prosperity, and position, has not been extended to their descendants, who certainly have suffered from the reckless extravagance of their ancestors."
In the writing and compilation of this book, I must return my best thanks to Mrs. Eyre, of Eyreville, widow of my cousin, the late Thomas Stratford Eyre, for deeds and family papers kindly placed at my disposal ; to Mrs. Eyre, of Southsea, widow of the late Col. Philip Eyre, of the 38th Regiment, for many interesting notes on the family ; to John Eyre, of Braeside, Teddington, the old friend of my boyhood days ; and to Frederick Eyre, of Adelaide, S. Australia.