Rear Window Scene with Taylor Comfortmeter by the window.
In Rear Window Starring James Stuart and Grace Kelly a Taylor Comfortmeter thermometer is used to draw attention to the 80 degree heat which adds to the tension and discomfort of the main character constrained in a plaster cast. The thermometer is positioned by the window frame as indicated in the screen capture above. Continue reading Rear Window Movie: Wall Thermometer→
Hercule Poirot (David Suchet) consults his travel guide book in Death on the Nile from the famed series Agatha Christie's Poirot. The guide book was published in 1907 The Nile. Notes for Travellers in Egypt . The author E. A. Wallis Budge (27 July 1857 – 23 November 1934) was an English Egyptologist, Orientalist, and philologist who worked for the British Museum and published numerous works on the ancient Near East. He made numerous expeditions to Egypt and the Sudan on behalf of the British Museum to buy antiquities, and helped it build its collection of cuneiform tablets, manuscripts, and papyri. He published many books on Egyptology, helping to bring the findings to larger audiences. He was knighted in 1920 for his service to Egyptology and the British Museum.
The Nile. Notes for Travellers in Egypt - Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis Budge
James Stewart in Rear Window uses a wooden back scratcher in key scenes from the movie.Similar back scratcher to one uses as a prop by James Stewart in Rear Window
Jimmy Stewart's character is confined in a plaster cast and makes good use of a back scratcher in Alfred Hitchcock's 1954 movie Rear Window. He uses the back scratcher several times, not only to scratch his toes or to reach an itch inside his cast, but for emphasis when gesturing as well. Continue reading The Rear Window Back Scratcher→
Camera and Telephoto Lens used in Rear Window movie 1953
One of my all time favorite movies is Alfred Hitchcock's Rear Window which goes along with my favorite era for 1950's collectibles. I decided to dedicate a shelf in my bookcase to the movie with some easily found 1950's items as seen in the movie. The piece-de -resistance has to be the Exakta camera, which was surprisingly easy to source. Continue reading Rear Window Camera and Lens→