ENJOYING THE FESTIVITIES at the at the press preview Friday night was Mrs Dolores Arnaz, Desi's mother. She watched the events of the evening with interest, and on being asked how she liked the new hotel, said. "I really like it. 1 think it’s very beautiful.”
LT. OOV. HAROLD Powers, al right. standing, chats with Lucille 'Ball' Arnaz during the opening of the fabulous new Desl Arnaz Western Hills Hotel at Indian Wells. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bogert join in the discussion. Hundreds of TV and movie personalities and newspaper people were flown into Palm Springs airport, where they were taken by helicopter to the hotel. (Desert Sun Photo).
Desert Sun, Volume XXX, Number 158, 2 April 1957
Today the Desl Arnaz Western Hills Hotel is called the Indian Wells Resort Hotel

Desi Arnaz. star of stage, screen, radio and television, announced last night that Frank Bogert, manager of El Mirador Hotel, has signed a contract with Western Hiils I-odge to run his new luxury hotel which is currently nearing completion near the Indian Wells Country Club. Bogert will be managing director of the hotel—Desi Arnaz-Western Hills Lodge—which will be open to the public late in March AT THE SAME time, Arnaz announced that he ha* signed a contract lease with H S. tHanki Green, presirddnt of Western Hills Hotels, to take ever the operation of the new hotel. Green is from Ft Worth. Texas, where the main office of Western Hills is located The new hotel at Indian Wells will have 36 units completed in March, with immediate plans for another 30 units to gel underway this coming summer The hotel faces Highway lit, and Is harked by the
beautiful Indian Wells Golf Course. BOGERT CAME to Palm Springs in 1326. and except for four years in the U. S. Navy, has held important positions In the community. He was manager of the famed Racquet Club, Palm Springs Chamber of Commerce, Thunderbird Country Club and El Mirador Hotel. One of the most active civic workers in this community, he Is vice president of the Desert Riders Association, member of the board of directors of the Chamber of Commerce president of the Desert Turf Club, president and publisher of the Villager Magazine, presiden of the Palm Springs Polo Association, executive vice president of the Palm Sprl ,gs Capital Company, and a member of the Naval Order of the United States Bogert resides in Palm Springs with hi* wife Janice, and three daughters Denni. Cindy and Donna. Desert Sun, Volume XXX, Number 117, 2 February 1957